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Pink Powder

2022 Litters


Bandit & Cricket

March 2022

D Litter


Cortana & Elliot

July 2022

G Litter


Crash & Coco

March 2022

Witches & Wizards


Vulpix & Cashew

November 2022

H Litter


Bullet & Coco

May 2022

E Litter


Juniper & Oni

November 2022

I Litter


Lilith & Darwin

July 2022

F Litter

bandit & cricket's litter

Black Minimal Hood Carrier + Agouti Minimal Hood

"D" Letter Litter

Bandit gave birth on the 14th of March 2022 to 10 healthy little babies. We have a mixture of agouti, argente and black coloured hoods of all shapes, and 5 girls and 5 boys.

This litter will be the fourth generation of my line, working towards healthy minimal hoods and masks. Bandit is an absolutely lovely rat, and her and Cricket were a true match made in heaven.

Dumpling (female agouti hood) and Dragon (male agouti splitcap) will be staying with A Rat's Tail. Daenrys will be heading to little Snoots, Daisy to Winnie's, Dante to Interstellar and Diarmuid to White Rose.

Bandit + Cricket

crash & coco's litter

Carrier Black Irish + Black Variberk

Witches and Wizards Themed Litter

Crash gave birth on the 15th of March 2022 to 11 healthy little babies. This litter is lovingly nicknamed "The Goth Litter" as all of her babies are a mixture of black hoods and berkshires.

Crash is a small, but loving and protective mother. ​While the rats are quite shy, they made very good companions to go other with some friends from other litters to new homes.

Due to her line being cut, all babies went to pet only homes.

Crsh + Coco

bullet &
coco's litter

Carrier Black Hood + Black Variberk

"E" Letter Litter

On the 7th of May, lovely Bandit gave birth to 10 healthy babies (unfortunately after loosing three at birth)! With markings coming from both sides of parentage, we were hoping for some interesting markings to pop up, however 9 out of 10 of the babies were hoods.

All babies were black, unsure if there are any carriers or whether there are any recessives carried over. The litter is super lovely an active though just like their grandmother Brie.

Due to circumstances, we ended up keeping 4 of the girls, and 1 of the boys. Ezra went down to Bohemian Rattery in Wellington.

Bullet + Coco

Lilith & Darwin's litter

Fluffy Mink Irish + Carrier Dove Berkshire

"F" Letter Litter

Lilith's litter was born on the 11th of July. Like the day, she gave birth to 11 little cuties in shades of mink and dove. There were 5 girls and 6 boys. They were a mixture of carriers and fluffies. This litter's goal was for an outcross, seeing as Darwin is a fantastic outcrossed boy.

Lilith was an absolutely fantastic mother - Her babies are curious but cuddly.

Freddo, Flower and Fang stayed with us. Fae went to Winnie's, Faerlina went to White Rose, Faith went to Misty's Mischief and Fido went to Little Snoots.

Lilith + Darwin

cortana & elliot's litter

Fluffy Dove Irish + Carrier Cinnamon Berkshire

"G" Letter Litter

Cortana gave birth to 10 healthy beans on the 12th of July. Her litter's goal was for an outcross in the line, especially so since tumours have popped up in the past. 

Her litter was a bit of a rainbow - A mixture of mink, mink champagne, silverfawn, dove and argente. There were four girls, and six boys. This litter has such an amazing and calm temperament (unlike the playfulness of my markings litters).

Only boys were retained to watch the health of this litter. Geralt and Genji stayed with A Rat's Tail, Goose went to Winnie's, and Grunt went to Little Snoot's.

Cortana + Elliot

Vulpix & cashew's litter

Black Variberk (headspot) + Black Variberk

"H" Letter Litter

Vulpix gave birth to seven healthy pups on the 1st of November. To our surprise, all of the babies are girls!

The goal of this litter was markings,  and I was very happy with the ourcome of variberks, split caps, irish and masked babies.

They were a very curious and lovely bunch of beans, with most of them staying with me, and only one headed to a pet home.

I hope that this can really put progress towards the markings line!

Vulpix + Cashew

Juniper & oni's litter

Mink Hood + Fluffy Black Irish

"I" Letter Litter

Juniper gave birth to 10 beans on the 2nd of November. Unfortunately, one of the babies was a FTT, and so we are left with 9 beans.

The goal of this litter was a fluffy outcross, as Juniper is from a line not related to any of the registered breeder's rats, All of the babies are carriers. Like their dad, they all have super nice and calm personalities.

There are 5 boys and 4 girls in the colours of black, dove, and pink eyed white.

We had Ivory and Incognito stay with us, Isidore and Imogen went off to Misty's Mischief, and Ivy went to Winnie's.

Juniper + Oni
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